Assalamualaikum and Hyep.
So, do you know about an alzheimer disease? The disease that affects people (mostly old people) to be forgetful and cannot remember the thing that they have done even it only happened a second ago. If you know about it, yes your future in Biology subject will be good. Ok . nonsensing in an introduction is too cliche for a blogger Fatin, but hey, Am I nonsensing? I think I have given a meaningful and beneficial new fact for my beloved readers indeed.
Mentioning the alzheimer disease is to tell you that I am not that bad in remembering my memories yet. I just forgot to continue writing the next part about My Beloved, Lovely And Gedik (Ngada2 in Germany *this fact is false.just joking dont sue me) Best Friends Forever till Jannah (Heaven) after I had left the Part 1 for about TWO YEARS. Yeah, the last time I published the part 1 thingy was at the end of 2013. So, to Anis, I am really sorry to forget the entry that I wanna publish specially for you. I had no more space in the part one so I planned to describe about you and another our two close friends in The Part 2 but yeah, the alzheimer symptoms suddenly attacked me. (yes alzheimer! It's totally ur fault! even though I hv never been diagnosed to suffer the alzheimer but, who cares?)
And taaaadaaaaa.... Now I am going to describe about My BFFs. The flow will start from Anis, then Hasinah Hamdan and ended with Asyuto (seems like a Japanese name aha? ) Oh yeah .. forget to mention that three of them do really admire Anime ... They have been crazy for it, crazily obsessed ~.~
1. Nor Anis Aidilfitri Bt Duyalmi
Anis is the left one. The picture was taken in 2013, so 2 years was passed.. her maturity had hit her sinfully until she has been as beautiful as pwincewss now.(aku puji ko sbb nak sikit komisen duit gaji..wahaha) She was born to be naturally beautiful (noootttt laiiikee meeee -,- sokay.just be grateful Fatin!) . It was 30th January 1998, which was the same day with Hari Raya Aidilfitri(1 Syawal). And as the Anis was born on the so merryah day, she was named after the name of the eid, Aidilfitri. That was how she got the Nor Anis Aidilfitri name.So whats more I can describe about her. ermmm should I flashback the moment of our first met? Ok, in Form 1,we were in the same sports club, Kelab Catur (not too sporty but blerghh , who cares? *act WHO CARES was Anis's Trademark and thats why I keep repeating the word in her slot) . It was 2011, and yeah, we started to know each other and continue playing the chess while chitchatting as new friends. But we were not too close at that time. In Form 1,Anis was still close to Sinah and Farah before I rampas Farah dari mereka.....(muahahahaha) But we reunited again in Form 3 right? Yes thanks to the teacher for putting Farah Si Psiko , Fatin Mawaddah (auuww), Anis Miang, Kamilia Si Pembekal Khemah and Eliani Tandas in the same class, 3 Avicenna (nyampahnya letak namaa omputih padahal hakikinya nama kelas 3 Sina je..wkwkwk) .. Since Form 3 , the number of my best friends increased tremendously(xde lah banyak sgt tpi setakat nak wat geng tu boleh lah). Thanks makcik2 semua!! Lap you
So sekarang nak cakap BM agar abg Anis faham benda yg aku nak kutuk pasal Anis. yelah aku ckp english ni byk x kena grammar.. so bila salah grammar kdg2 byk lari maksud and org susah nak faham. Haritu Anis ada ckp yg abg dia teringin sangat nak tengok apalah yg aku kutuk kat adik dia... huahuaha.. so here is my answer.. Anis ni pelik sikit. Nampak x dah highlight yg warna oren tu yg dia Miang? haa.. ingat lagi dulu waktu form 2, dia tetibe je suruh iollss pegang tangan dia. Then saya pun pegang lah tgn dia tetibe dia cakap kat saya dengan nada lemah gemalai mcm gaya Lisdawati cakap dalam satu iklan sabun " Lepaskanlaaaaah" And my reaction pun like "Whaaaaatttt!!!" Huhu banyak sebenarnya kes2 yg dpt membuktikan bahawa Anis tu miang tapi cukup lah sekadar ini sahaja yg saya mampu ceritakan.. Takut kena saman pulak ckp lebih2 ni.. Anis jgn buat main2 dia pernah masuk Bahas tauuu!!! ( so apa kena mgena bahas n saman? ohh asal masuk bahas je ko pikir yg dia akan jadi lawyer? inilah mentaliti masyarakat Melayu!!! eh emo pesal?)
I think I should stop talking about Anis here. Sebab ada dua lagi kawan yg aku nak hurai lagi ni.. Btw, it was form 5 and Anis had spread a contagious disease to me. The disease was "Meow" disease It was too contagious. She sat extremely close to me in Bio Lab and for the entire time in the class, she always meowed to me. She said that she was boring and as a good friend I just let her doing it. And yeah, infected by her, I started to meowing in the class (when our class had no teacher) As all of my classmates could hear it, some of them started to tease me by meowing to me back. And some of them had tagged me as a new 'cat' in the class.... Huhuhuhu ... why must meeee while Anis (the pioneer person who began to start making the meow sound ) was never teased by them. The world is not fair!!! as it is never be fair to the Palestine and Syria victims!!!! (Huhu...maroh maroh!!!)
2. Nurul Alia Syufina Bt Abu Bakar
So babe, the description on you may not be as long as Anis one. Because you only possessed good behaviours and well-mannered. However, she has another black side, which she tend to be psycho for certain issues and times.(emoji pisau xde kalau x boleh kukuhkan lagi bukti yg dia ni psycho) Sometimes, she is feelingless .. She cannot be easily entertained by dirty or silly jokes. As an example, she never laughed to the jokes in Lawak Kampus comical series while I have been laughing for it crazily for countless time. She told me that Lawak Kampus is not a joke for her except for the jelly-handed UNKNOWN (who has practiced the latest trend - RAVER since years ago before the trend was exist) Asyuto said that the unknown was very cute. (i think so)
zhe cute unknown
Alia was an obsessed otaku (dont know the right sp. malas nak google kalau salah jangan maroh2 ). She was Eliani's besties since 7 years old. and they always talk about Anime everytime they met. Wahahahaha.... Mia started to call Alia 'Asyuto' since Asyuto started to admire one of the famous bands in Japan. And One of the band players, who has a name ended with phrase "to" , was Alia's Japanese crush. So Alia combined her name , Alia SYUfina with the guy's name (which ended with phrase TO) .. Then tadaaa ASYUTO name was born!!!! hiks.
Alia has a sister who works as a doctor , doing her housemanship in Hospital Taiping right now. Sometimes, I will ask Asyuto thousand of questions about her sister's life as a doctor. And she will explain how hectic is the doctor's life and I started to be confuse of the way that I wanna choose after spm.. should I pursue my study in Medic or just choose other field of studies (which I think are quite easier).. Babes, I am still in dilema... I have done my istikharah but my istikharah is not complete for 7 nights yet. Do pray the best for me ok!
3. Nur Hasinah bt Hamdan
(yg tengah sekali)
Hasinah ni baik orangnya. Dia nasib malang dapat kawan dengan Anis Aidilfitri sebab Anis jahat.. huhuhu... sabor ye Hasinah.. Kerana x tahan duduk dengan Anis gedik , dia pindah Seratas (SMKTT's neighbour.hiks).. ok tipu je yg pasal Anis , Hasinah pindah.. It is confirmed that she moved into SERATAS as she had received the offer letter and for other reasons that might benefit herself. Its okay Sinah.. U have your own right to decide which one is better for you.. Hiks!
Oh yeah Sinah, I just want to tell you that Anis was terribly devastated to loss you Sinah. Well, You are her best friend since form 1 and there were lot of unforgotable memories created between both of you. As we could not forget the memories, we could not forget you too, Sinah.. Huhuhu.. btw, even though Anis was the most sad person on that moment you are moving to SERATAS, Eliani had been sobbing worse than Anis... Maybe Eliani is more emotional than Anis or maybe Anis just cried when she was alone at the hostel dorm... Haha tak malu seyhh leni (nama timangan manjew buat Eliani) ni menangis depan public.. ngeh3... Tapi sampai bengkak n merah2 gak lah mata leni... Huhu at least she was sincere to show her actual feeling.
Sinah was very good in her drawing. I hope sinah, one fine day, you can be such a successfull artist. (Aamiin) Yes, influenced by the drawing in anime, manga and apa2 je lah, she could reveal out her talent in drawing. You might be amazed by her drawing as well as I have been amazed too.
Ok, I am yawning rn and it is actually another new symptom for myself. It is a sleep symptom pulak. Act i have missed another friend to describe, Siti Sarah. She is actually my future sister in law. ok do not continue writing its just a joke. (me act is afraid if ur brother read this wakakakaka)
That means that will be anothe part of Pasal Sahabat. so in the third part, I may conclude everything about my feeling towaards youolls babes... Ok tata... Assalamualaikum.
Bersambung Bersama Cardbury (ate dah berehat bersama kitkat , bersambung mesti lah nak kena paired dgn jenama coklat jugak.. Lame Fatin Lame!!)
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